Declutter and Donate Household Items
Prior to moving is the perfect time to go through all of your possessions and determine which ones you can do without. Professional organizers and declutterers all provide the same strategy, which simplifies the process.
To start decluttering, you’ll want to create two piles in each room or closet space. The first pile will be for items that need to be thrown away, and the second pile will be for items that you can donate to a thrift store or other organization in your community. Anything you intend to keep can remain in its place. (If you intend to fully empty cupboards or closets during this process, you may need a third pile for things you plan to keep, so you can reorganize them when you return them to their places.)
Go room-by-room to create your piles. You don’t have to do it all at once, which can feel overwhelming. Instead, spread the work over the course of a few weeks. Then, combine your donation piles and drop the items off; discard the trash pile, recycling what you can. In the end, you should have significantly fewer items and a more streamlined-looking home, which will be much easier to pack into boxes for your move!
Protect Breakables Without Spending a Fortune
As you pack up your belongings into boxes, you should take care to protect breakables, including dishware, collectables, and vases. Relocation experts recommend purchasing bubble wrap and packing paper for this purpose. The cost of packing supplies quickly adds up, and before you know it, you’ve spent a good chunk of money on boxes and packing materials alone.
To supplement protective wrappings, you can use household fabrics you already own to keep your fragile items safe during your move. Towels, bedsheets, blankets, and even heavy sweaters can do the job in a pinch, so you can allot the money you saved for something really important, like your first mortgage payment or new furniture.
Book Your Movers in Advance
It’s tempting to wait until the last minute to book a DIY moving van or hire movers. If you wait, you tell yourself, you’ll be able to give them a more accurate estimate for the number of possessions they’ll need to haul or fit into a moving truck.
Professional movers and even van rental teams are experts in relocations. They have an uncanny knack for being able to estimate weights of items and the size of truck you’ll need to accommodate your belongings. Give them a call early on in the process, when you know when you’ll be closing on your home and moving in, to get on their schedule or reserve your moving van. Scheduling early means you can get your first choice of movers and equipment and a price point you can afford, instead of whatever’s available when you finally get around to booking.
Plan Your Move Based on Your Closing Date
If you’re selling a house and moving into a new one, or relocating from your rental into a home you’ve just purchased, you’ll want to take careful note of your closing date. Usually, closing dates do not change, but know that the date can change based on a number of factors that are out of your control, and even out of your mortgage lender’s control. Be flexible if you need to.
If you have purchased a house and have been renting previously, we have great news. You can move in as soon as you sign the paperwork and pick up your keys at the title company or your real estate lawyer’s office. If you have sold your home and are moving into a new one, you will want to coordinate your closing so that you close on your new house first, so you have time to empty your current home before your buyers sign the paperwork. The home should be completely empty and ready for the new owners by closing.
Start the Process with a Reputable Mortgage Lender
If you’re looking to purchase a house, your first step should be getting pre-qualified for a home loan. A pre-qualification letter shows sellers and their agent that you are serious about making a purchase when you decide to make an offer on a house for sale.
To get pre-qualified contact Homestead Financial! Once you’re pre-qualified, we can identify the best home loan program for you, whether it’s a conventional loan, or a mortgage through a government-backed loan program, like the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Veterans’ Affairs (VA), or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
We help each of our customers secure the best mortgage interest rates and loan terms available. We process loan applications swiftly, focusing on getting you to closing on time with as little stress as possible. And because we serve home buyers in multiple states, you’ll find a Homestead Financial office near you, especially if you live in Kansas City, MO; Kansas City, KS; Overland Park, KS; Olathe, KS; Blue Springs, MO; St. Louis, MO; and Godfrey, IL.
To learn more about our mortgages and to speak with one of our home loan experts, contact us.